If you want to check if your helmet is Certified, you can follow my article. ASTM F1492 Skateboard Helmet Meets Standard.
You need to take special care when choosing the best skateboard helmet so that you get the right helmet.
Some “skateboard style” helmets may not actually be certified to a skateboard standard.
If a helmet meets CPSC bicycle helmet standards, that helmet can be used in skateboarding.
Some manufacturers label their helmets for skateboarding but do not meet the ASTM F1492 designation, so you do not know which helmet you are getting.
ASTM Certification Safety Standards For skateboard Helmet

CPSC Certification Safety Standards For skateboard Helmet

Snell Certification Safety Standards For skateboard Helmet

Skateboard Helmet Certification Check Video
We will watch the video and test the certified skateboard helmet in this way.
More Safety Standards and Certifications Link
- ASTM Certification Safety Standards and CPSC Certification Safety Standards
- Which Helmet for Which Activity?